Time & Talent Survey


Time & Talent Survey

How to use this survey: Our goal is to help you discover rewarding and fulfilling opportunities to grow spiritually, to serve our Lord, and to help others according to your gifts, talents, and abilities. Here are three ways to participate.

Pray and reflect. Take some time to pray, reflecting on your skills, your life experiences, your passions and how God might be calling you to put them to work. Where might your gifts be interacting with the needs of others.

Complete the survey.

Once completed, contact Chris Harris to meet to discuss options and opportunities.


Time & Talent Survey

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Gifts, Talents and Abilities (Things I enjoy or am good at)

Are you interested in particular groups or populations?

Ministries or service opportunities that interest me at St. Bart's

Personality Type/Personal Style

Are you aware of specific spiritual gifts? What are your top 3 or 4?

Something you didn't see listed that you would like to help organize.

Are you involved in things or volunteering in ways that are no longer feeding you? Is there something you might need to put down in order to make room for the next right thing?