Worship Ministries


Worship Ministries

There are a variety of ways to share your time and talents to enhance the worship experience for St. Bart's family. New members are joyfully welcomed to any of these ministries. If you are interested, please contact the parish administrator, (858) 487-2159, if you are interested in joining any of these ministries. All are welcome! 


Acolytes participate with clergy and other lay ministers in worship services in the church. They carry the cross, candles and Gospel book in the procession. Acolytes also assist with setting of the altar table and other liturgical duties during the services.

Acolytes can begin as early as the 5th grade and continue serving with increased responsibility through grade 12. The acolyte team comes together for their Annual Meeting with lunch and there are also training sessions several times during the church year. 

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the bread and wine for communion before the service and cleans up after the service. We are always open to having new members. Everyone is trained and always has an experienced partner. The Altar Guild is divided into four teams, and members are expected to serve at least twice a month. For more information please contact Beth Rubé, 858-414-7997.


Drivers of the Bartmobile golf cart help those desiring transportation to and from the patio and church area of the campus and the parking lot. The Bartmobile is staffed from 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sunday mornings and at special events.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Chalice Bearer Ministry

Chalice Bearers, also known as Lay Eucharistic Ministers, are trained to administer the sacred sacrament of the Blood of Christ during the Eucharist. They assist clergy in worship and support the service liturgy in reading prayers or scripture. Training is provided for new ministry members, and service schedules are prepared on a three-month rotating calendar.

Music Ministry

St. Bartholomew's Music Ministry offers a variety of opportunities to grow one’s love and learning of music-making.

  • Parish Choir (for adults and youth, high school age and up)
  • Community Choir (for larger masterworks)
  • Choir School (for children aged 6-13)
  • Schola Cantorum (smaller ensemble for meditative music)
  • String Ensemble; Handbell Choir
  • Brass Choir
  • Gathering Instruments
  • Cantors.

Learn more information about Music Ministry at St. Bart's. Contact John-Luke Addison, Director of Music, with any questions.

Flower Guild

Flower Guild members work together to prepare the altar flowers each week and then “recycle” them into smaller arrangements for the clergy to deliver to hospitalized or homebound parishioners. New guild members are always welcome.


Greeters are among the first faces anyone coming to St. Bart's will see. Making that first impression count is the focus in this ministry, welcoming guests to our church and making them feel at home. Our greeters answer newcomer and visitor questions, provide directions to Sunday School, distribute information packets and facilitate getting guest sign-ups so a welcome letter can be sent out from the rector.


Ushers provide a vital service for worship services by ensuring the facility is properly prepared for worship, providing worshipers with service bulletins, assisting with seating in the church and answering questions. Ushers also coordinate collection of the pledge offering gifts, and they guide everyone to the altar to receive communion or a blessing. Ushers also assist worshipers who are less mobile by helping them to receive communion, and they hold out a welcoming hand to anyone in need during services.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors - Lay Pastoral Visitors

Both Lay Pastoral Visitors and Lay Eucharistic Visitors receive specific training to bring prayer support, companionship, and Holy Eucharist to anyone unable to be at church. These visiting teams work closely with our clergy to provide pastoral care and support. New members are licensed by the diocese following required training.


Lectors read the lessons—the Word of God—at church services. Lectors are trained in how to read biblical texts, pronounce unusual words, and relate to the listeners. This ministry is one of many ways to help God’s Word come alive in the hearts of listeners.