St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church


St. Bart's Blog

Haiti Day 5: Medical Clinic Finale

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“Rise and shine and give God the Glory!” was the song the counselors always used to wake us at summer camp. I have to admit, on our final morning in Lorenette, I was not feeling very “shiny” this morning. And after several days of difficult medical work, I don’t think any of us was as enthusiastic to begin as we were in the day before. But the chorus of whining dogs and crowing roosters got us moving.

After breakfast, we opened for the last clinic morning.  Business was slow at first; I think most people who heard about the clinic tried to come the day before when it was cool. But 56 people braved the heat to see doctor Mike. At least two older women walked more than 2 hours to come to the clinic.

By the time noon rolled around and we completed our last intake, we had hit the wall: there’s literally no way with the people we had we could have seen even one more patient.  250 patients in 2.5 days is a remarkable accomplishment. And while some needed medications or follow up care we couldn’t directly provide, it’s good to know that we were able to make a difference in their lives. 

Even when tired, achy and grungy, God calls us to serve and glorify, and I’m proud that we are able to answer that call. 

Rise and Shine!

