St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church


St. Bart's Blog

Our Deep Sea Discovery at Vacation Bible School

Posted by The Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson on with 1 Comments

After a Vacation Bible School hiatus last summer, VBS returned to St. Bart's the last week of July and it was AMAZING! Our Deep Sea Discovery took more than 70 kids on an underwater journey to discover all the ways that God is with us where ever we go. The Jellyfish, Starfish, Dolphin, and Seahorse groups learned how God was with Noah and his family during the flood and how God heard Jonah's prayers inside the whale!

Of course, what makes VBS so special is how the theme weaves throughout the entire week. Volunteers turned our conference room, Godly Play room, 3A/B room, Parish Hall, and even the Sanctuary into an underwater world complete with a shipwreck, scuba divers, and fish (so many fish). Creative daily snacks included Jonah's whale made from a banana, Nila Wafers, and yogurt.

Thank you to every volunteer who cut out bubbles or fish (so many fish), hung jellyfish, blew up balloon bubbles, assembled snacks, checked in kids, or led a group. This was a very special week for the kids.

In case you're wondering, here's what it took to give this gift to the community.

10 roles of butcher paper
50 roles of Scotch tape
1,500 paper fish cut out (so many fish)
500+ balloons blown up
500 Nila wafers
80 pounds of fruit
300 volunteer hours to decorate
325 volunteers hours at VBS


Anonymous August 4, 2017 1:49pm

The decorations were so cute!
