St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church


St. Bart's Blog


Posted by Cathie Roy on

I Corinthians 10:7: Do not become idolaters as some of them did....

"The word of the Lord." How tender, yet arresting, is that oft-heard phrase as it frames my scripture readings.

God, sometimes when I read scripture it feels like you're talking directly to me. Sometimes it feels like I'm reading a story that- while interesting - has little personal relevance. And then there are times like this one, with lines that sneak upon me.

My first line of defense is quite simple. I'm not even worried yet. You can't be talking to me. Idolatry (read "golden calf') was practiced a long time ago. And then there is that wonderful scapegoat word...."them". I breathe a sigh of relief. Oh - just a history lesson about THOSE people in THAT time. OK. Easy reading.

But then why do I feel so unsettled? Why is there an uneasiness growing inside me? What have I placed unhealthy importance and/or attachment to in my life? What "gods" have I placed on the altars of my life? Spirit keeps me honest, and before I know it painful scenes of personal idolatries cloud my vi­sion. Some of my past and present "calves" are easy to see......$­cational degrees......professional status....miscellaneous 'special' things (music, books, etc.)......people - to name a few. Give me the clarity to recognize the more subtle ones that slide in and out of my daily life. With head bowed I hear myself call you "Lord" while paying homage to my other idols at the same time.

Oh..........Father, be patient with your recalcitrant child. Keep pointing me to those inner spots where you and I can get down to the business of growing me in your image. Help me to stay focused on you, and to see all my other 'deities' for the distractions they are.

I am yours, and my soul cries out "My Lord and my God!"


Cathie Roy our Pastoral Care Coordinator as well as a physical therapist, mother, grandmother, hospice volunteer, choir member, and Lay Eucharistic Minister who liked to hike read, travel and play cribbage. 

