What We Believe


What We Believe

What is an Episcopalian?

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An Episcopalian is someone who chooses to worship in the Episcopal Church. The word Episcopalian comes from the Greek word for bishop: episkopos.

Episcopalians subscribe to the historic Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed as central statements of our beliefs. We consider the Bible to be divinely inspired. The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is our central act of Christian worship. The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) guides our liturgy in public worship and serves as a major source of unity for Anglicans around the world.     

Those who worship at St. Bart's come from all walks of life and we all approach church in our own way. Episcopalians respect diversity and individuality, and we are liberal, conservative and everything in between. We find our unity at the Eucharist table, and ground our faith in scripture, tradition and reason.

Learn more about the Episcopal Church with The Episcopal Way.